1. The screen version kills the aesthetic. They need to make a way to make it appear screen less when the it’s not active. Either by perfectly matching colors (very difficult) or have so much tint in front of it that it hurts the screen colors.

  2. All of that seems good but unfortunately Samsung’s appliances are not made to last, so enjoy it for 1 or 2 years then buy it again 😂

  3. Yo bro my fridge that is the same cant autmtc openndoor it has the thing and ik it can do
    Can u help me out


  4. With samsungs appliance reliability and repairability, pass. Nothing more than things to break and cost fortunes.

  5. In the future, everyone replaces their fridge, oven, dishwasher, washing machine, tumble dryer, cellphone, computer, car, tv, vacuum cleaner, lawn mower and ice cream machine (if it even worked in the first place) every 2 years when the software updates ends. Why save up when you can spend your salary chasing the digital dream?

  6. This will totally not be used to control us at all. All these devices with micropohones, cameras and sensors spread conveniently in our homes. If it wasn’t bad enough having a spy in your pocket.

  7. If we apply fujisu technology and garden energy , sun light and referigerator condenser replicate food on referigerator possible ( first is flavor sugar , salt and alkaline water , then starch , food flavor ?)

  8. This is technology for technologies sake. None of this will make any of our lives easier. Just more apps to keep track of.

  9. how stupid are people? this is an LCD on a fridge and 2 cams in it, 5 sensors, people will pay so much for it, I build it with my old tech and connect it to my old Server where my cloud runs on it. Well Pay Uncle Dump!

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